My Story

Hi! I'm Christina Strasbourg, Founder and CEO of Agents Helping Writers. I started this business because I love storytelling and working with writers. I'm honoured to be a part of a writer’s literary journey and help them bring their books to life.
I struggled for three years writing my first book on my own. I'd read all the books and blog posts, watched all the videos, and listened to all the podcasts. But three years later I had half a manuscript and felt like I'd never finish. Self-doubt creeped in: Who was I to write a book? Was I even a good writer? Even if I finished it, would it be good enough for a literary agent to sign me?
Then Google led me to Sam Hiyate, CEO of The Rights Factory and literary agent. At the time, the financial investment in coaching sessions felt risky. I fretted that I wouldn't learn anything and that I'd waste my money on something that wouldn't work for me.
After just one session, my growth as a writer flourished. Every week, I diligently submitted 20 pages for Sam to read and provide me with constructive feedback. I did 12 sessions with Sam and by the end I had a completed manuscript that felt more like a fourth draft than a first draft. I couldn't believe how far I'd come in my skills as a storyteller and in the craft of writing.
After completing my sessions with Sam, I polished my novel and shared it with three literary agents. All three offered to represent me! I am happily signed with an agent. And that same manuscript? It won the 2022 Marina Nemat Award (Young Adult and Children's Fiction Category).
Without the keen insights of a literary agent who knew what agents and publishers were looking for, my original manuscript never would have won a prize or landed me an agent. To be honest, that manuscript probably would be unfinished, sitting in a drawer somewhere and gathering dust.
I loved working with Sam and booked several more sessions with him for other books I was writing. I continued to up my skills and sharpen my storytelling.
That's what I want for the writers who choose to work with Agents Helping Writers! I want them to find literary success and continued joy in their craft.
P.S.: Sam offers one-on-one coaching through Agents Helping Writers. Interested? More information here.